Gazduire Business Web Hosting cPanel - se recomanda pentru societati comerciale, se ofera inainte de plata o saptamana de test gratuit la fiecare comanda de gazduire.
Serverul web
Folosim cel mai performant sistem de operare CLOUDLINUX, toate pachetele de gazduire includ server sql MariaDB + cPanel backup software Incremental
Vom face tot posibilul ca sa configuram contul dvs. de hosting cat mai repede posibil, de obicei conturile de gazduire se configureaza in maxim 5 minute.
Comanda pentru un pachet de gazduire web este de preferat sa fie pe minim 3 luni in avans. Nu exista alte taxe aditionale decat cele de mai jos.
* 2 luni gratuite incluse la plata in avans pe un an sau 4 luni gratuite la plata in avans pe 2 ani (doar la pachetele cu stelute).
In cazul in care doriti sa va mutati site-ul de la alta firma de hosting la noi, transferul datelor de pe vechiul server la noi pe server se face gratuit !
Asistenta tehnica este gratuita prin telefon (intre orele 8:00 - 22:00) sau prin email la asistenta[at] (24 de ore din 24).
Oferta Gazduire Business pe server de ultima generatie in Bucuresti, CloudlinuxOS ( Servere cu 64-Core CPU Gold6346 3.6GHz, 512 GB RAM, 8 NVMe SSD in RAID 10 )
web hostingBusinessStart
2.95 € / luna
- 58 GB spatiu pe disc
- trafic lunar necontorizat
- Softaculous, Backup Incremental
- resurse hardware dedicate
- Entry Process 20
- Up to 6 Core CPU + 1024 MB RAM
- acces POP3, IMAP, WebMail
- filtru e-mail AntiSpam + AntiVirus
- PHP 7.X, MySQL/MariaDB 10.X
- CGI, PERL, CURL, GD, ImageMagick
- Let's Encrypt SSL Gratuit
- Interfata cPanel 0.4 € / luna
web hostingBusinessOffice
5.95 € / luna
- 1015 GB spatiu pe disc
- trafic lunar necontorizat
- Softaculous, Backup Incremental
- resurse hardware dedicate
- Entry Process 30
- Up to 8 Core CPU + 1536 MB RAM
- acces POP3, IMAP, WebMail
- filtru e-mail AntiSpam + AntiVirus
- PHP 7.X, MySQL/MariaDB 10.X
- CGI, PERL, CURL, GD, ImageMagick
- Let's Encrypt SSL Gratuit
- Interfata cPanel 0.4 € / luna
web hostingBusinessExpert
7.95 € / luna
- 1520 GB spatiu pe disc
- trafic lunar necontorizat
- Softaculous, Backup Incremental
- resurse hardware dedicate
- Entry Process 30
- Up to 8 Core CPU + 1536 MB RAM
- acces POP3, IMAP, WebMail
- filtru e-mail AntiSpam + AntiVirus
- PHP 7.X, MySQL/MariaDB 10.X
- CGI, PERL, CURL, GD, ImageMagick
- Let's Encrypt SSL Gratuit
- Interfata cPanel 0.4 € / luna
web hostingBusinessTrend
9.95 € / luna
- 2025 GB spatiu pe disc
- trafic lunar necontorizat
- Softaculous, Backup Incremental
- resurse hardware dedicate
- Entry Process 30
- Up to 8 Core CPU + 1536 MB RAM
- acces POP3, IMAP, WebMail
- filtru e-mail AntiSpam + AntiVirus
- PHP 7.X, MySQL/MariaDB 10.X
- CGI, PERL, CURL, GD, ImageMagick
- Let's Encrypt SSL Gratuit
- Interfata cPanel 0.4 € / luna
web hostingBusinessMail
12.95 € / luna
- 3040 GB spatiu pe disc
- trafic lunar necontorizat
- Softaculous, Backup Incremental
- resurse hardware dedicate
- Entry Process 30
- Up to 8 Core CPU + 1536 MB RAM
- acces POP3, IMAP, WebMail
- filtru e-mail AntiSpam + AntiVirus
- PHP 7.X, MySQL/MariaDB 10.X
- CGI, PERL, CURL, GD, ImageMagick
- Let's Encrypt SSL Gratuit
- Interfata cPanel 0.4 € / luna
web hostingBusinessFactory
15.95 € / luna
- 4050 GB spatiu pe disc
- trafic lunar necontorizat
- Softaculous, Backup Incremental
- resurse hardware dedicate
- Entry Process 40
- Up to 8 Core CPU + 2048 MB RAM
- acces POP3, IMAP, WebMail
- filtru e-mail AntiSpam + AntiVirus
- PHP 7.X, MySQL/MariaDB 10.X
- CGI, PERL, CURL, GD, ImageMagick
- Let's Encrypt SSL Gratuit
- Interfata cPanel 0.4 € / luna
web hostingBusinessCompany
19.95 € / luna
- 6080 GB spatiu pe disc
- trafic lunar necontorizat
- Softaculous, Backup Incremental
- resurse hardware dedicate
- Entry Process 40
- Up to 8 Core CPU + 2048 MB RAM
- acces POP3, IMAP, WebMail
- filtru e-mail AntiSpam + AntiVirus
- PHP 7.X, MySQL/MariaDB 10.X
- CGI, PERL, CURL, GD, ImageMagick
- Let's Encrypt SSL Gratuit
- Interfata cPanel 0.4 € / luna
web hostingBusinessEssential
24.95 € / luna
- 80100 GB spatiu pe disc
- trafic lunar necontorizat
- Softaculous, Backup Incremental
- resurse hardware dedicate
- Entry Process 40
- Up to 8 Core CPU + 4096 MB RAM
- acces POP3, IMAP, WebMail
- filtru e-mail AntiSpam + AntiVirus
- PHP 7.X, MySQL/MariaDB 10.X
- CGI, PERL, CURL, GD, ImageMagick
- Let's Encrypt SSL Gratuit
- Interfata cPanel 0.4 € / luna
web hostingBusinessCorporate
29.95 € / luna
- 100120 GB spatiu pe disc
- trafic lunar necontorizat
- Softaculous, Backup Incremental
- resurse hardware dedicate
- Entry Process 50
- Up to 10 Core CPU + 4096 MB RAM
- acces POP3, IMAP, WebMail
- filtru e-mail AntiSpam + AntiVirus
- PHP 7.X, MySQL/MariaDB 10.X
- CGI, PERL, CURL, GD, ImageMagick
- Let's Encrypt SSL Gratuit
- Interfata cPanel 0.4 € / luna